25 Years Experience Working at hedge fund/pe firm
Get the green light and Robin Greene gets you across the finish line.
Consulting on Investor Relations/Client Servicing projects for Hedge Fund or Private Equity/VENTURE firms.
Specializing in Client Relationship Management (CRM) tools and FUNCTIONALITIES, data CLEANUP AND STANDARDIZATION, databases, forms, WEBSITES investor reporting, compliance best practices, user conferences and communicating, onboarding, transition WORK FLOWS.
Best known for attention to detail, organization, planning, thinking outside the box, decision making, best practice recommendations and presenting efficient solutions while problem solving.
Experience with Act!, Backstop, Clienteer, Correctnet, DYNAMO, Intralinks, Investran, Salesforce, WebVision AND proprietary softwareS.
Of course using excel works but converting to a more efficient tool can be overwhelming. Don't let the implementation process stop you, instead let an expert help.
Maintain Dashboard and Timeline
Breakdown Tasks and Provide Homework and To Do's in Manageable Bundles
Advise on Best Practices
Communicate Needs and Keep IT, IR, Marketing, Vendors Updated and Informed
Follow-up and Chase Decision Makers
Client Relationship Management Tools
Investor Relations CRM's offer many advantages. Choosing the right one can be daunting. What to consider/evaluate:
Need Calculations?
What Workflows can be Captured or Enhanced?
Upload Tools/Importing from 3rd parties?
Multiple Users/Departments Purposes and Goals?
Automation Requirements?
Reporting Needs?
Interface with Outlook?
Data Integrity
With multiple users data can get muddy. Cleaning it up can be time consuming and tedious. Who has the time?
Merging Duplicative Companies
Creating Parent Companies
Spying Duplicative Contacts that have Switched Firms
Verifying through LinkedIn
Integrity of Data: Whatif's, VLookups, Countifs, Conditional Searches
Process to Maintain Integrity Going Forward and Avoid User Pitfalls
Emailing documents may be quick and your standard operating procedure but get your documents to your investors securely and store in one place.
Track Usage
Automatic Linking to Active Funds or Accounts
Configure for Fund level, Account level, Series level
Match your Work Flow
Integrate with your CRM